Thursday, October 20, 2011

Mel's Goals

Okay Ladies!  Time to get some goals up on here!

Since Gretchen and I are both doing weight loss we decided to weigh ourselves every Friday in front of each other.  We're not putting our starting weights on the blog, but will report our progress as pounds lost.  

My goals are:
  • 20 lbs down by the end of the year.
  • Get in my 5-a-day (fruits and veggies)
  • One completely "free" meal a week.  It will probably often happen on Saturday and will often involve Mexican food!
  • Exercise at least 3 times a week.  Volleyball will not count.  There is too much rest time.
  • Go to bed with a clean kitchen every night so I wake up less stressed. 
  • Cook dinner at least 4 times a week. 
  • Complete a Sprint Triathalon in the Spring.  I already looked it up and there is one in March on a Saturday that looks reasonable.  
  • Spend at least 1 hour a day on my spiritual health.  This will include scripture time, journal writing, Ensign reading, etc.  Book reading will not count even if it's a church related book because even though they are good, nothing brings the Spirit into our lives like reading the scriptures.  I will, of course, continue to read a variety of things as I enjoy it. 
  • Do at least one thing a day that I've been putting off or that I don't enjoy doing.  It doesn't have to take a long time.  Changing a lightbulb that's been out for a month, or cleaning off my desk, going through the mail, responding to a letter, etc.  I know I'll be very satisfied if I get these things done on a more regular basis and stop being annoyed every time I think of them. 

That's where I'm starting!  I share this long list so you can all help hold me accountable.  You can see I have more than just weight loss goals.  More like working on my overall health and making positive changes.  I will reevaluate at the New Year and likely tweak things a bit.  I thought about having a bedtime goal, but the grieving process does not allow for that right now as most of my emotions surface at night.  For my overall health I'm not putting any restrictions on grief related things.  That just needs to flow naturally.

So here's to the courage to change the things we can!!!

I'm excited to hear about all your goals no matter how big or small!  And let's get some healthy/yummy/easy recipes up on here!



  1. Wow, that's a great list! I'm going to ponder my final thoughts and goals and then post them later today. I have to admit, I'm a little scared to post them because then that means I have to actually do the hard work to accomplish them(:

  2. Super goals, Mel! I like that you've been all-inclusive in all areas of your life you would like to improve in. Weight loss is more than just watching what you eat and exercise, it is a reflection of our overall mental health as well. You are a wise woman! Love ya!
