Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My Weight loss goals for 30 days (in baby steps)!

Okay all, here are my goals.  They are little ones, but I'm focusing right now on changing some habits and doing it in little chunks.  I weighed myself today and will do it again when my 30 days is over.

Goal #1 Only Eat When Hungry-  I'm going to really really focus on waiting for a hungry feeling or a small growl before I eat ANY food.  I'm not going to wait until I'm ravenous, but I need to listen to my body tell me that I'm hungry before I put food in my face.  I'm not going to worry what that food is for now.  If I'm hungry and I want to eat a doughnut, I'll eat a doughnut, or a hot dog or whatever.  It doesn't have to be health food, but I do have to be hungry.  I was going to set a limit to how many sweets I eat a day, but I think I will do that next month.  For now, I'm just going to tell myself, if I want cake and ice cream that's fine, I just need to wait until I'm hungry to eat it.  Next month I'll work on stopping when I'm full.  If I can get rid of emotional eating then I'll get rid of probably 40% of what I eat in a day.

Goal #2 Exercise 30 minutes a day / 6 days a week - That's all I have time for and it's better than nothing.  I'm just going to do weights videos for now because my feet are really bothering me these days and any jumping around aerobic type activity really hurts my feet, and discourages me from exercise.

Goal #3 1 Diet Soda per day - Eventually I'll get rid of it all together.

Goal #4 Go to bed between 9-10 pm & rise between 5-6 am - I am a much nicer person and I function so much better during the day when I get 7-8 hours of sleep.  I know I'll get more accomplished during the day if I get the rest my body needs.  And I'll be better able to focus on my goals too.

Goal #5 "Return and Report - I made a chart that has these 5 goals listed and a place where I can mark off that I did each goal, each day, for 30 days.  I'm going to return to this chart every night before I go to bed to report how my day was.  I'm also going to do a quick post each night before bed to let you guys know if I was able to mark each one off.  This makes me accountable to you for my actions and if you could just leave a little comment each night or morning saying, "good job, you did it" or "tomorrow's another day, you'll get it then" etc.  That will help encourage me on the way!  Thanks so much.

I know it took me a whole week to post, but lets use this blog up and make it really work for our motivation and for helping each other out. 

Talk to you tomorrow.

Love ya


  1. Good Job Deb!
    Way to bite the bullet and get your goals up so we can bug the crap out of you to do them!!! I really like that your goals are about being healthy and doing things you know help you feel good, not just a fad diet. I also like the 30 day challenge.
    So excited to see your progress!

  2. Awesome Deb! Great goals and I know you can do it! Good idea with the chart for tracking your progress. You'll feel better too because you can see you're progressing - very important for any goal. We all need to remember it is a journey! Love ya!
